Teacher Certification Study Guide

Teaching is one of the most noble and respectful jobs. To be a teacher, you will need to acquire a state certificate. The certifications are based on the nature of job. While you will need to get your education details credentials by the state authority, we at examsample.com can help you with your teacher test preparation. The study guides are created by experts in this domain and are based on national and each state requirement.

Teacher Certification by state

The few most popular tests conducted in the USA are:

Arizona Educator Proficiency Assessments (AEPA)
California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST)
Certification Examinations for Oklahoma Educators (CEOE)
Certification of Educators in Texas (EXCET)
Florida Teacher Certification Exam FTCE
Georgia Assessment for the Certification of Educators GACE
New York State Teacher Certification Examination NYSTCE

All the above tests can be applied online and even the further procedures are carried on online, by logging on the individual websites of all the associations authorised to conduct these certified exams.