STAAR Mathematics Grade 8 Sample Questions

Q1. Before leaving on a trip, Allen filled up the gas tank of his car. After driving 360 miles, he bought 15 gallons of gas to refill the tank. What proportional relationship can Allen use to find how many miles he can travel on g gallons of gas ?

A. 36g

B. 15g

C. 24g

D. 50g

Q2. Eric bought a laptop for $775.80. The sales tax on the laptop is 5%. How much tax did Eric pay on the laptop?

A. 45.63

B. 38.79

C. 34.20

D. 66.59

Q3. Daniel has $1, 200 in his savings account. He receives 0.75% annual simple interest. If he makes no further deposits or withdrawals, how much money will he earn in simple interest in 2 years?

A. 24

B. 36

C. 18

D. 20

Q4. What is the 50th term in the sequence represented by the rule 0.25n-1, where n represents a numbers position in the sequence?

A. 10.5

B. 11.5

C. 12.5

D. 13.5

Q5. Carlo brought 8 DVDs with him on vacation. He has 3 comedies, 2 dramas, 2 concerts, and 1 horror movie. He will choose one DVD at random, play it, return it to the pile, and choose a second DVD at random. What is P(comedy, drama)?

A. 4/45

B. 3/25

C. 3/32

D. 3/50

Q6. Paul scored the following on his science quizzes : 90, 85, 95, 90, 96, 90. What is the mean of Pauls scores?

A. 90

B. 85

C. 86

D. 91

Q7. Sara scored the following on her Englist test : 80, 84, 76, 92, 88, 86. What is the median of Saras English scores?

A. 75

B. 85

C. 80

D. 90

Q8. Tina bowled seven games over the weekend. Her scores are shown below.

172, 216, 188, 204, 195, 221, 193.

What is the range of the scores?

A. 50

B. 100

C. 49

D. 200

Q9. Nicole can pack a large box of colors in 8 minutes and a small box in 5 minutes. She needs to pack 12 large boxes and 7 small boxes. If 2 hours remain before her lunch break, will Nicole have time to finish the work before her lunch break if she works without stopping?

A. 3 hours 15 minutes

B. 2 hours 11 minutes

C. 5 hours 45 minutes

D. 2 hours 20 minutes

Q10. A photographer is enlarging a photograph. Set in the coordinate plane, one corner of the photograph has the coordinates (-2.5, 4.75). When enlarged, the photograph has the coordinates (-15, 28.5). How much did the photographer enlarge the original photograph?

A. 6 times

B. 7 times

C. 8 times

D. 5 times

Correct Answers with Explanation

Answer 1. Correct Answer is C. Explanation Use the unit rate to represent the proportional relationship.

Step 1 Divide to find the unit rate. 360/15 = 24

The unit rate is 24 miles per gallon.

Step 2 Use the unit rate to write an equation that relate the number of miles to the number of gallons of gas.

Let m equal the number of miles driven.

M = 24 x g or m = 24g

The equation m = 24g represents the proportional relationship.

Solution If Allen uses g gallons of gas, he travels 24g miles.

Answer 2. Correct Answer is B. Explanation Write the percent as a decimal and multiply.

Step 1. Write 5% as a decimal.

5% = 5/100 = 0.05

Step 2. Multiply.

$775.80 x 0.05 = $38.79

Solution Eric paid $38.79 in tax on the laptop.

Answer 3. Correct Answer is C. Explanation Here we use the formula l = prt.

Step 1 Convert the percent into decimal.

0.75% = 0.0075

Step 2 Multiply.

L = p x r x t

L = 1200 x 0.0075 x 2

L = 18

Solution Daniel will earn $18 in simple interest in 2 years.

Answer 4. Correct Answer B. Explanation Use the rule to find the value of the term.

Step 1 Substitute n = 50 into the rule for the nth term.

0.25n 1

0.25(50) 1

Step 2 Evaluate

0.25(50) 1 = 12.5 1 = 11.5

Hence the 50th term is 11.5.

Answer 5. Correct answer is C. Explanation You have to find the probability of each event. Then multiply.

Step 1. Find the probability of each event.

P(comedy) = 3/8

P(drama) = 2/8 or 1/4

Step 2 Multiply the probabilities

3/8 x ΒΌ = 3/32

Hence P(comedy, drama) = 3/32

Answer 6. Correct answer is D. Explanation You find the sum of the numbers and divide by the number of numbers in the set.

Step 1 Add the scores.

90 + 85 + 95 + 90 + 96 + 90 = 546

Step 2 Divide the sum by the number of scores.

There are 6 scores, so divide 546 by 6 = 91.

Hence the mean of Pauls scores is 91.

Answer 7. Correct answer is B. Explanation Just order the scores from least to greatest.

Step 1 Order the scores from least to greatest.

76, 80, 84, 86, 88, 92

Step 2 There are an even number of numbers, so find the two middle numbers.

76, 80, 84, 86, 88, 92

Step 3 - Find the mean of the two middle numbers.

84 + 86 = 170

170 divide by 2 = 85

Hence median of Saras score is 85.

Answer 8. Correct answer is C. Explanation Subtract the least score from the greatest score.

Step1 Find the greatest score and the least score in the data.

The least score is 172.

The greatest score is 221.

Step 2 Subtract the least score from the greatest score.

221 172 = 49.

Hence range is 49.

Answer 9. Correct answer is B. Explanation You have to find the total time needed to pack the boxes.

Step 1 Find the time needed to pack the large boxes.

12 x 8 = 96

It will take 96 minutes to pack the large boxes.

Step 2 Find the time needed to pack the small boxes.

7 x 5 = 35

It will take 35 minutes to pack the small boxes.

Step 3 Find the total time needed.

96 + 35 = 131

131 minutes = 2 hours 11 minutes

Hence No, it will take her 2 hours 11 minutes to finish.

Answer 10. Correct answer is A. Explanation-

Step 1 First understand the problem. An enlargement is a type of dilation.

The scale factor uses a multiplicative factor to relate the original coordinates to the dilated coordinates.

Step 2 Find the scale factor.

Write and solve an equation.

Choose one of the coordiantes. The same scale factor relates corresponding coordinates.

-2.5s = -15

-2.5s/-2.5 = -15/-2.5

S= 6

Hence the enlargement is 6 times the original photograph.

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