Is Nursing a right career for me?

Nursing is not for everyone, and it takes more than a “big heart” to be a good nurse. It requires intelligence, self-discipline, critical thinking, communication skills, compassion, dedication, high moral and ethical standards, endurance as well as respect and concern for the welfare of others regardless of creed, race, culture, religion, or gender orientation.

While considering nursing as a career, think about the following questions.

1. Is nursing a job or a career?

There is a difference between a job and a career. A job is something you do in exchange for something else, usually money. A career, on the other hand, is something you are passionate to do. A career is something you enjoy doing your best and in which life-long learning is not only necessity but a consuming desire.

2. Am I a good team player?

In majority of cases, nursing is a team effort focusing on an identified patient. The entire team works together for the patient’s welfare.

Depending upon the patient’s requirements, the team may also include professionals like care managers, physical, respiratory, nutritionists, social workers and various other advisors. Nurses have to co-ordinate with all of them and work on a daily basis.

3. Am I honest, responsible and accountable?

All these qualities are the hallmarks of a good nurse. Nurses must also be honest with themselves and should be able to seek appropriate assistance in situations in which they are uncomfortable, unsure, or incompetent.

4. Do I follow directions?

If you are good at following directions given to you, this is right path for you. All health care agencies have policies and procedures that dictate proper behavior or actions to be taken with virtually and responsibility occurring within the institution.

5. Do I care for others?

Nurses don’t have option of selecting patient on their part. They have to provide care to all regardless of gender, creed, culture, or religion. All patients deserve the highest standard of care possible.

6. Am I quick in making decisions?

A good nurse is a one who can make right decisions at the right time. Individuals who are not able to take proper decisions should not that this profession as the end result can be quite dangerous.

7. How do I manage stess or crisis?

Nursing is a profession where you have to deal with stressful situations and ever-impending crises, be it patient or institutional related. Nurses must have the ability to stay calm and collected during stressful or crisis situations in order to focus on the patient.

8. How do I feel about death and dying?

Human life is fragile, and individuals entering the health care system sometimes die. The process of dying as well as death itself are normal parts of the human existence. In order for nurses to work effectively with death and dying, they must understand and accept their own mortality.

9. How do I handle frustration?

Caring for individuals in any health care setting can be frustrating. Working with others can be frustrating as well. Patients may not be compliant with their medications or keep needed appointments. Nurses must be able to control their frustrations. Losing focus could bring harm to all involved.

10. How do I respond to abusive behaviors?

Patients and their families are under great stress as a result of serious illness and the possible need for hospitalization. Due to which, they may not always respond in an appropriate fashion. Often times the nurse just happens to be the one to catch their wrath. For the nurses to be verbally abusive in return would be inappropriate and would make the situation even more worse.

Physicians may be verbally abusive to nurses and other health care workers, or health care workers may vent their anger on each other. In all such cases, verbal abuse should not be tolerated. Physical abuse should also not be tolerated and should be addressed according to institutional policy.

In case you are ready for all such duties and agree to take up the challenges, nursing is a great career. If you are seriously considering about nursing career, see here about nursing programs available and start preparing for it.

A very all the best to you.