Beauty Exams Cosmetology Esthetician Nail Technician

Cosmetology Certification:

These certification exams are generally conducted by state boards Cosmetologist certified professional performs basic tasks in all categories of hair, skin and nails. Experienced professional cosmetologists can specialize in one of the following disciplines and with experience can progress to become senior cosmetologists or managers. Cosmetologists are sometimes called beauticians, beauty therapists, aestheticians or estheticians.

Esthetician Certification:

Esthetician specializes in skin care. Their duties would include providing facial treatments, electrolysis, body wraps, waxing, laser hair removal and chemical peels.

Nail Technician:

A nail technician is generally a person responsible for cosmetic treatment for the hands and fingernails. This may include application of lotion, softening of hands and nails, filing and shaping of nails and applying polish. Nail technicians also perform pedicures which is a similar treatment for the feet. Another speciality of nail technicians is applying artificial nail tips and artificial nail gels to the nail. Some nail technicians can apply nail art which is the painting of designs on the nails and attaching small jewels

Study Tips and Study Help

Multiple Choice

Most of the exams have two sections- written and practical.

Exam Specifics

These exams are content driven exams which essentially means test would be material driven and not tricky puzzles to solve.